Article I – Mission
The mission of the atmospheric sciences group (ASG) at the University of Connecticut is to facilitate educational, research and outreach initiatives concerning the atmospheric and related sciences and to foster knowledge transfer to advance public health and environmental sustainability.
Article II – Definitions and Organization
A. The Atmospheric Sciences Group
The Atmospheric Sciences Group (ASG) is housed at the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE). The ASG consists of those members of the University of Connecticut faculty and professional staff who have an interest in weather, climate and its impacts on society and the environment.
B. Collaborative Constituents
Collaborative constituents of the ASG are those administrative units that contribute required fees, have signed the ASG Memorandum of Understanding, and agree to abide by the ASG bylaws and rules.
C. Governance of the Atmospheric Sciences Group
The governance of the ASG comprises
1. the President of the University, the Provost, the Provost and Chancellor for Health Affairs, and administrative heads of collaborative constituents, all ex officio;
2. the Atmospheric Sciences Group members;
3. the Atmospheric Sciences Group Executive Committee;
Article III – Structure and Functions
A. The Atmospheric Sciences Group
Intended to be open and inclusive, the ASG consists of those members of the University of Connecticut faculty and professional staff who support the ASG mission statement.
1. Members of the ASG need not belong to a unit that is a collaborative constituent of the ASG.
2. Members are required to submit at least a short vita to the ASG Executive Committee for listing or web posting.
3. Members should attend meetings of the ASG, which will be held at least once a semester.
4. Members should be interested in University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) activities and opportunities.
B. Collaborative Constituents
Collaborative constituents have a central role in the shaping ASG governance and activities. Currently these are: Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Center for Public Health and Health Policy; Department of Natural Resources and the Environment; Department of Marine Sciences; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; and Department of Geography.
1. The head of each unit agrees to support the activities of the ASG and agrees to the ASG Memorandum of Understanding.
2. The head of each unit appoints a representative to the ASG Executive Committee for a term not less than 1 year.
3. Additional collaborative constituents can be added to the ASG at any time. Additional collaborative constituents must be approved by the Atmospheric Sciences Group Executive Committee.
4. New collaborative constituents will contribute to the same fee structure as existing constituents.
C. The Atmospheric Sciences Group Executive Committee
The Atmospheric Sciences Group Executive Committee has both legislative and advisory responsibilities to the ASG.
1. Membership – The head of each collaborative constituent unit appoints a representative to the ASG Executive Committee for a term not less than 1 year
2. Voting
i. Via their appointed representative, each collaborative constituent of the ASG Executive Committee has a single vote.
ii. If the appointed representative cannot attend, a substitute (approved by the unit leader) may attend and vote in their stead.
iii. The representatives vote on all matters before the ASG (bylaws, actions, etc.). A quorum will equal 2/3 of the representatives and simple majorities will carry motions forward.
iv. If an Executive Committee member is unable to serve due to prolonged absence or incapacitation, the Chair of the Executive Committee will ask the cognizant head of their Unit to appoint a replacement representative. The replacement representative can serve on a temporary or permanent basis at the discretion of the Unit head.
3. Duties
The ASG Executive Committee serves as the legislative body of the ASG and acts on its behalf in all matters requiring timely action. It also works closely with the University representatives to UCAR to facilitate communication between UCAR and the University community.
i. supports the mission and objectives of the Atmospheric Sciences Group.
ii. advises the UConn President on selections for faculty representation to UCAR during the fall semester.
iii. annually elects a Chair from the ASG Executive Committee.
a. The Chair sets the agenda for ASG meetings.
b. The Chair will report on the activities of the ASG at a regular membership meeting annually.
c. The Chair will preside over meetings and is privileged to make or discuss motions, and to vote on all questions.
d. The Chair will represent the ASG to the University administration.
iv. annually elects a recording Secretary.
a. The recording Secretary will keep a record of all meetings and transmit a copy of the minutes of each meeting to every member of the ASG Executive Committee at least one week prior to the next meeting.
b. Unless appointed to the Executive Committee, the secretary does not have voting privileges.
4. Meetings
i. Regular membership meetings are held at least once each semester, at times set by the Chair of the ASG Executive Committee.
ii. Special meetings are called by the ASG Executive Committee Chair at the request of Director of the Center of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vice Provost for Research, or at the request of at least one third of the ASG Executive Committee members. At least one week’s notice must be given for a special meeting.
iii. The Executive Committee will run the meetings that are open to all ASG members.
5. Committees – Committees are created by the ASG Executive Committee at its discretion, to address continuing issues or business. These committees report to the ASG Executive Committee.
D. The Center for Environmental Science and Engineering (CESE)
CESE provides administrative staff and facilities to support and facilitate the mission of the ASG subject to the discretion of the director of CESE.